Finding the Healthy Country for Your Foreign Direct Investment

Finding the Healthy Country for Your Foreign Direct Investment

If you are thinking about doing the Foreign Direct Investment, you really have to think about the health of the country where your investment is placed. This thing is becoming something very important because if you failed to choose the right country to place your investment, you can be sure that you will not get the profit that you are looking for. Because of that reason, even though you are investing in a company with a lot of branches all over the world, it is better for you to invest in one of their branch located on the safe and healthy country.

There are some people who are asking about the possibility that might happen if you are investing your money in a country that is not healthy. If you are also one of those people who have the same question, then you will need to know these things first. For the start, if you are investing your money in country that has a conflict with some other countries, you can be sure that your investment will not grow as much as you want it to be. As a matter of fact, there is a chance that the company that you invested might go bankrupt and you will lose all of your investment. This is the kind of thing that you will not want to experience.

Let us take another example. If you are investing your money in a country with the slow growth, that will also give you the slow profit from the investment. Even though you will not need to worry about the internal conflict inside the country, you will not be able to get the profit as soon as you want it to be. Or else, the number of profit that you get regularly will not be as much as you can get if you are investing your money in one of those healthy country. Those are some of the things that might happen if you are investing your money in one of those problematic countries. After learning all of those things above, you will need to make sure that you are choosing the right country for your Foreign Direct Investment. Or else, you can be sure that your investment will be a useless thing to do. The same thing is applied in choosing the company where you want to put your investment. Keep all of those things in your mind.

Foreign Direct Investment: The Benefits for Indonesia

Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is such an excellent thing that many countries from all over the world need. The same thing happen in Indonesia as it really wants to attract lots of investments from the foreign countries such as South Korea, Japan, China, Russia, and so many more still. Basically, all of the Foreign Investments in Indonesia will definitely bring its own benefits that can support the economic growth of the country so nicely. So then, it is no wonder that the economy of Indonesia can grow up to 4% to 5% each year in this recent time.

Then, there are actually numerous other benefits that Indonesia can gain when it has received the Foreign Direct Investment. Some of them are like:
• Reducing the unemployment rates
One of the various benefits that Indonesia can get from the Foreign Direct Investment is that it can reduce the unemployment rates of the country. It is all because the foreign investment will open the easier access for the companies to expand their business in Indonesia. It means that there will be more companies that require huge amounts of employees. So, in the end, you will find that the amount of the jobless people in Indonesia will get more and more decreased. In addition, the more companies will make the people more aware that they have to be ready to compete if they want to get a nice job. Then, they will try to do their best in order to improve their quality in the best way for sure.

• Growing the economy activity in Indonesia
Moreover, the other benefit of the Foreign Direct Investment that you cannot ignore at all is that it can make the economy activities in Indonesia grow significantly. There are so many projects, which are almost 100, that can be done as the country has got the investment. These projects will definitely cover the numerous different sectors which can be ranging from tourism to communication. This particular condition can really assist Indonesia to increase its economy activity optimally.

After putting it all together, those are some notable benefits of the Foreign Direct Investment for Indonesia. All of them are the great things that will make the country have the better chances to upgrade its economy growth as nicely as possible. So then, in the end of the day, Indonesia will be able to create and keep the stronger economic condition even if there are so many challenges to face.

Foreign Direct Investment in Indonesia: The Best Sectors

Indonesia has been known so well as one of the most potential country for the Foreign Direct Investment. It is because this country can offer you lots of raw material resources which can be like gold, oil, gas, coal, and so many more still. So then, it is actually not surprising that there are so many foreign companies that are so interested in locating their investment in this particular country. Then, there are also so many options of promising sector for the foreign investors to choose. Well, in case you really want to know what Indonesia’s best sectors to invest on, you better continue reading below.

Here are some of the best sectors that you have to really consider when you want to do a direct invest in Indonesia, such as:
• Tourism
The first sector that can be a great option for the foreign investors is the tourism sector. It will definitely fit the program of the government of Indonesia where they really want to create 10 new tourism destinations in the country which are called the New Bali. So, in order to make the goal come true, the government will always try to do the best to attract the foreign investors as many as possible. Besides, there are so many things that the investors can explore in this particular sector, which can be like bars, cafes, restaurant, sport and art facilities, and so many more still. So, it is clear that the foreign investors will never feel disappointed once you have support the tourism sector in Indonesia.
• E-commerce and marketplace
Furthermore, the second sector that you cannot miss when you want to do the Foreign Direct Investment in e-commerce and marketplace which is more than $7.3 million in value. It is all because there are so many shopping platforms that develop well as there are so many people who have the consumptive lifestyle in the country. Moreover, the amount of the online shoppers in Indonesia always gets increase time after time. This specific fact can be a very amazing opportunity that you have to take as an investor.

So, those are some of the best potential sectors that you better support by doing a Foreign Direct Investment. Actually, all of them will never make you regret having a partnership in the country. Even better, it will advantage you wonderfully as the country is creating all the possible development in every aspect for sure.

Reasons to Try Foreign Direct Investment on Your Own

On this modern times, investment can be considered as something quite important to have. That might be one of those reasons why there are a lot of people who are investing their money on the business or company outside their own country. This is something called. Yes, there are more and more people who are into the Foreign Direct Investment. If you are asking why there are a lot of people who are interested on this kind of investment, here are some of the reasons.

For the start, it is because when you are investing your money outside the country, you will not be bothered by the silly governance that you have in your own country. You have to admit that there are some countries that will give you a lot of silly excuses and policies if you are doing an investments in your own country. Because of that reason, there are quite a lot of investors who invested their money through the Foreign Direct Investment. The next one is because you can predict the possible outcome of the investment. Of course, you will not be able to fully predict either your investment will give you a lot of profit or not. However, since you are investing your money in another country, you can easily see if the country is developing on the right track or not. If the country is developing on the right track and you are investing your money on the company, you can be sure that you will get a lot of profit. This is something that you will love to have.

The last but not least is because this kind of investment usually gives you more control over the things related with the company where you give your investment. You need to understand that there are some kinds of investments that will not let you to control the work of the company. This way, you will only have to wait for the result. On the other hand, the Foreign Direct Investment will give you a bit of control over the things that happens on that company where you give your investment. This way, you can have a better understanding if your profit is not as big as you might have expected. On the other hand, if you control it properly, you can get the huge income that you have calculated. So, from all of those reasons above, are you thinking about doing the Foreign Direct Investment right now?

Tips in Making Foreign Direct Investment

The Foreign Direct Investment can be considered as one kind of amazing business that many wealthy people have. That is because this kind of investment can be quite a fortune that will give them more wealth. That is why they are thinking about doing this kind of investment. For your information, if you are one of those people who are thinking about making the FDI, there are some tips that you might want to consider.

The first one is making sure that you are investing your money on the healthy country. The meaning of healthy country is that the country should be one of those that are developing based on their own target. This one is important because if you are able to invest in a good country, you can have a better and higher chance of getting the better profit from your investment.

That is why you have to invest in a country with a good government condition. The second tip is to avoid countries in war. The meaning of war does not have to be a real war. It can be a conflict or something similar. You surely have known that there are countries quite famous for making conflicts and such things. This is the kind of country that you have to avoid. Even though the persuasions are good, you have to avoid this one. That because investing your money on this kind of country means that you are watering the seed of conflict in that country.

The last but not least, you have to know the details of the business that you want to invest. Of course, this is something that many of you will never forget. However, there are a lot of people who believed about the surface of the business without checking the inside of the business. For example, there is a company that said that they are one of those branch of famous company. Once you heard that, you suddenly invest a lot of money. That is the kind of talk that you should not trust first. You have to check the details of the company to make sure that you are investing your money on the right place. Those are some of the tips that you have to highlight if you want to do the Foreign Direct Investment. With all of those tips, you can be sure that your investment will fruit just like what you want it to be.

Things to Consider in Choosing the Company for Your Foreign Direct Investment

If you are thinking about doing the Foreign Direct Investment, you have to make sure that you are choosing the right company for your investment. That is because if you are investing your money to the wrong company, you can be sure that you will not get the profit that you are looking for. As a matter of fact, you might even lose all of those investment money because of the bankruptcy of the company. Because of that reason, you have to consider these things first when you are choosing a company for your Foreign Direct Investment.

The first one is the location of the company. The meaning of location is that the company should be located on the right and proper country. For example, if you are investing in Samsung Company that is located on the conflict area, you might also get the impact if something happen there. However, if you are investing your money on one of their companies in Japan or Korea, that might not be a problem at all. Because of that reason, you have to know the location of the company first.

The second consideration is the condition of the company. There are some companies that need a lot of investment because they are on the verge of bankruptcy. However, there are also some companies who need the investment because they want to grow their company even bigger. The second choice is risk free. However, the first one is a bit different. That is because when you are investing your money in a company in the verge of their bankruptcy, you can be the savior for the company. On the other hand, you can also be dragged down to bankruptcy by the company. Because of that reason, you have to check on the background of the company first.

The last thing that you have to consider is the size of the company. This is the most important of all because if you want to do the Foreign Direct Investment, you will need to prepare your budget. That means if your budget for the investment is a bit limited, you have to try finding another company with the smaller scale. That is because the bigger company needs the bigger investment. If you do not have the money, do not try the Foreign Direct Investment. Keep all of those things in your mind if you want to get the profit from the investment.

Is Foreign Direct Investment Beneficial?

There are four agencies that keep track of the statistics of FDI. The UN Conference on Trade and Development summarizes the trends of FDI all around the world and publishes the Global Investment Trends Monitor. The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development reports on both inflows and outflows of the FDI. It publishes FDI statistics quarterly to the member countries it houses. However, the Organization does not capture the statistics between the emerging markets.

The IMF published the first Worldwide Survey of Foreign Direct Investment Positions in 2010 and continues on doing so in yearly basis. The statistics are presented through an online database. The report contains statistics gathered from 72 countries. Many parties support the IMF to present the data such as the UN Conference on Trade and Development, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, Eurostat, and the European Central Bank. The Bureau of Economic Analysis, meanwhile, reports the activities of foreign affiliates of US-based companies. The Bureau also reports on how much US companies have invested so far overseas.

In many regards, the FDI does indeed provide several advantages that the recipients can enjoy. A recipient business can find FDI an effective tool that can help them get into the international market. Some countries out there are not that accommodative of foreign companies so it would be a little difficult for a business to enter international market without FDI.
The presence of FDI is also an advantageous factor that may help a business to gain access to resources, such as important natural materials like fossil fuels or precious metals. Production cost can also be pressed down with the supports from FDI for a lot of reasons. Clothing and shoes industries are a prime example of this matter, in which many manufacturers relocate their operation to developing countries.

The Difference between FPI and FDI

There are two categories of foreign investment of international scope: FPI (foreign portfolio investment) and FDI (foreign direct investment). FDI is a term that refers to an investment of international level where an investor gains a lasting profit from a business located in another country. FDI can take many forms but commonly it pertains to adding improvements to an existing facility (property, equipment, or plants) or either buying or construction a factory in a different country. FDI includes all manners of capital contributions. The UN Conference on Trade and Development claims that the FDI expands rapidly these days, backed by more than 65,000 transnational corporations with over 850,000 foreign affiliates. Investors in FDI earn profits in a variety of forms including royalty, management fees, retained earnings, and dividends.

FPI is an investment tool that can be traded rather easily, less permanent, and does not have a representation of controlling stake in an enterprise. Instruments used in FPI include equity tools (stocks) or debt (bonds), all of which does not represent a long-term profit. FPI returns profit in the forms of dividends or interest payments.

Between the two types of investment, FDI is one that many multinational corporations undertake. However, FPI can originate from a lot of different sources such as individuals’ mutual funds or a pension from small companies. FDI and FPI may not be easily discernible since some of their aspects overlap with one another, especially in terms of investment in stock. The most common line drawn between the two is based on ownership percentage. FDI requires 10% or more ownership while FPI involves less than 10%. The ownership percentage denotes the limit of voting power an investor may possess within the recipient business. FPI may or may not entail voting rights. FDI, on the other hand, does not allow an investor to have control over the recipient but it makes it possible for them to influence certain aspects.

Taking a Glimpse into the World of FDI

Foreign direct investment is a situation where a company in a country is controlled fully by another company in a different country. A foreign direct investment (FDI) can take an inorganic form (a company buys another company in the target country) or organic form (a company expands a business’ operations in a country). Things that can be counted as an FDI include intra company loans, profit reinvestment, establishing new facilities, acquisitions, and mergers.

An FDI is characterized by a business located in a country that controls ownership of another country’s enterprise. FDI and foreign portfolio investment are different. A foreign portfolio investment is a passive investment whose securities are supplied by another country such as bonds or public stocks. An FDI can be financed through several different methods such as payments in exchange for equity (machinery, technology, patents, etc.) or loans granted by the  host country. An FDI can be determined using some distinct factors.

Said factors are as follows:

1) firm-specific advantages

2) removal of conflicts, and

3) the tendency to come up with a strategy of internalization in order that risk can perhaps be mitigated.

FDI itself can be divided into three types: horizontal, platform, and vertical. An FDI can function by:

1) incorporating a subsidiary or a company that is fully owner anywhere

2) acquiring the shares of an associated enterprise

3) merging with or acquiring an unrelated enterprise, and

4) participating in a joint venture of equity with another enterprise or investor.

An FDI can take a lot of forms such as for example derogation from regulations, energy, R&D support, infrastructure subsidies, relocation & expatriation, free land & land subsidies, investment financial subsidies, maquiladoras, bonded warehouses, export processing zones, special economic zones, preferential tariffs, tax concessions, tax holidays, low corporate tax, and individual income tax rates.

Breaking Down the FDI

As a type of foreign investment, foreign direct investment (FDI) is divided into three principle categories: horizontal, vertical, and conglomerate. A horizontal FDI pertains to an investor establishing a new company in a different country. This new company has the same type as the one in the origin country. An example of this would be a cell phone brand from the US opening stores carrying the same brand in countries in Asia. A vertical FDI involves a company establishing a different company in a different country but the two are connected with each other in a way. For example, a manufacturing company may invest in a supply company located in other countries to obtain raw materials for the former to operate.

A conglomerate FDI is when an investor (company or individual) invests in a different country but the business form is different from the one in the investor’s country. The two are totally unrelated in any ways. A conglomerate FDI often takes form of a joint venture due to the fact that the investor may not have experience in the area of business they invest in. The investor may have just got into a type of business so they do not have prior knowledge on anything related to the area. A joint venture provides a safe spot to bounce back should anything go south.

FDI and the laws related to it is important to a company’s overall development. An expansion of FDI may boost the recipient country’s economic growth as a whole. FDI is also a smart move taken by both parties (investor and recipient) to improve respective markets. Investing party can enjoy expansion of sales toward global market while receiving party may enjoy a boost in profit and share. Targeted market can enjoy similar advantage as products and services are more diverse and widely available.

The Impact of FDI in Some Countries

Both developing and transition countries benefit from the presence of foreign direct investments. The existence of FDI within their environment helps boost local productivity growth significantly. Rich country’s investment policies that are development-friendly are ranked through the Commitment to Development Index. FDI in China sees significant increase in last decade. At $19.1 billion just in the first half of 2012, China becomes the FDI recipient in the world. This number far exceeds that of the US, which was $17.4 billion. The number increased in 2013, at $24.1 billion, making up 34.7% of total market share of FDI in the region of Asia-Pacific.

FDI in Chia fell down a bit during the global financial crisis in 2009 but the number returned back to the top the next year. In India, FDI was brought in under FEMA (Foreign Exchange Management Act) in 1991. India is regarded as the second most important country to direct FDI. Industry sectors that attract FDI into India include computer software and hardware, construction activities, telecommunication, and services. Investments come from mainly the UK, the US Singapore and Mauritius. By 2015, India has surpassed China and the US as the leading FDI destination.

In the US, FDI receives relatively low level of resistance. In 2010, the total amount of FDI in the US was $194 billion, which came primarily from Canada, the Netherlands, Luxemburg, Germany, France, Japan, the UK, and Switzerland. Industry sector that receives most investments is real estate with a total of $92.2 billion in 2013 alone. In Canada, FDI made CAD$634 billion in 2012, far beyond the US in this regard. The UK, meanwhile, has a market that is very open toward foreign investment. The skyscraper, The Shard, was built in a project funded through a foreign direct investment and serves as a perfect example of the application of FDI.

Another Advantages of FDI

There are many parties involved benefiting from foreign direct investment. Investors and recipients as well as the global economy in general can enjoy the benefits provided by FDI. Business forms with the most promising growth receive capital the most often, regardless where they are in the world. Typical investors tend to look for the kind of investment opportunity that offers them the best profit with the least risk. This is a color-blind motive of profit-seeking. As such, it does not regard matters such as political views or religion. Competitive advantage is presented to all manners of business form on equal footing despite having different backgrounds.

As a result, many negative aspects of business, such as politics, bribery, and cronyism can be tackled. The best business wins the money. With supports from FDI, a business’ products or services can go to market in a way that is faster than a business that is not backed up by an FDI. Individual investors may enjoy added benefits in the form of lowered risk. As FDI may diversify holdings outside of political system, industry, or country, return is always increasing but without increased risk either.

Investing party can also provide a number of advantages that the recipient can enjoy. This includes best practices guidance in regards to legal matter, accounting, and management. The recipient business can incorporate and implement the latest technology, practices of operational, and tools for financing as well. When the business adopts and applies these practices, they would also improve the lifestyle of their workers as well. People in the recipient country can enjoy a better and improved standard of living. The implementation of foreign direct investment also impacts on reduced influence that the local government may have over the recipient businesses. Foreign direct investment is indeed a very rewarding system.

Understanding the Importance of FDI

Since 1950, most countries in the world have undergone rapid growth of population. Rapid increase in gross domestic product has grown in accordance with the rapid growth of population as well. In most countries, income per capita has improved too since 1950. An increase in FDI can be attributed to these factors. As tax revenues increase and capital influxes, economic growth improves, leading to increase in FDI. Not only can FDI support a host country’s development, it will also transfer soft skills by means of job vacancies, training, access to R&D resources, and advanced technology.

The locals in the host country can enjoy wider range of job opportunities that the company has provided from the foreign investment. The investing company may relocate their production capacity and machines to a host country. This is still beneficial for the target country especially in the event that it still lacks technological advancement or its technological environment is still under-developed. This is also advantageous as the host country can prevent the products made by the investing company from having to compete against those of the host country. The target country would be able to use the FDI to build new infrastructure as well as other projects, all which may beneficial to boost its own economic growth in the process.

The presence of new companies in a country poses a greater kind of competition for the local companies. This may lead to improved productivity and result in increased efficiency within the host country itself in the process. It is also thought that corporate governance standards in a host country can be improved through the application of policies implemented by a foreign company to its subsidiary. The impact that FDI provides is wide in range and can change the whole structure of a country’s economy altogether.

The Advantages of Foreign Direct Investment

The Foreign Direct Investment has been one of the most important things that each country needs mainly if they want to increase the economy growth optimally. So then, it is actually no wonder if there are so many countries in the world that will be competing to attract more investors time after time. Besides, there are actually various great advantages of foreign investors to excite both of the sides who run the business. Then, do you really want to know what those advantages are? If you do, it will be so much better for you to keep reading below.

Here are some notable advantages that the Foreign Direct Investment can offer to you, which can be like:
• It opens the access to the markets
One of the advantages of the Foreign Direct Investment is that it can help you make the easier access to the markets. In the other words, you will find that this specific investment can be a wide open gate when you want to expand your business in the foreign country. So then, you will have the bigger chances to get more consumers which promise you the better income for sure. Then, you do not have to waste too much time every time you want to distribute your products to the consumers as there is a shorter distance that you have to pass through once you have made a partnership with the local company abroad. So, it is obvious that company will always be able to suit the demands of the people so well.

• It reduces the production cost effectively
Furthermore, the other advantage that you can gain when you do the Foreign Direct Investment is that it can reduce the cost of your production that you have to pay effectively. Even, it can be greater if you can find a potential partners or country that can offer you lots of raw material resources and lower labor cost. It means that the company is also able to manufacture so many more products. So, it is actually no wonder that the company save some of the budget and get more profits in the end.
After putting it all together, those are some awesome advantages that the Foreign Direct Investment can give to you. Based on them, it will never be a bad idea to locate the investment in the foreign country. It will definitely be a smart way that you have to do in order to make your company have the more achievements surely.