Beberapa Negara dengan investasi Asing Terbesar di Indonesia

Beberapa Negara dengan investasi Asing Terbesar di Indonesia – Perekonomian Indonesia terus menawarkan potensi besar berkat pertumbuhan ekonomi negara yang berkelanjutan, populasi muda yang besar, stabilitas politik, dan kelas menengah yang tumbuh, serta sumber daya alam yang melimpah.

Beberapa Negara dengan investasi Asing Terbesar di Indonesia

ipanet – Investasi memiliki efek pengganda yang besar dalam mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi, menciptakan lapangan kerja, dan menggeser ekonomi berbasis konsumsi saat ini ke ekonomi yang didorong oleh produksi.

Dikutip dari investindonesia, Investasi merupakan pendorong utama integrasi ekonomi internasional dan salah satu dari sedikit faktor pertumbuhan ekonomi negara termasuk Indonesia. Dengan kerangka kebijakan yang tepat, investasi dapat memberikan stabilitas keuangan, mendorong pembangunan ekonomi dan meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat. Sumber investasi di Indonesia berasal dari Penanaman Modal Dalam Negeri (PMDN) dan Penanaman Modal Asing (PMA).

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Seperti yang kita ketahui, saat ini kita sedang menghadapi wabah pandemi COVID-19 di hampir setiap negara di dunia termasuk Indonesia. Total realisasi investasi Indonesia sedikit meningkat pada kuartal pertama tahun ini, namun kesengsaraan ekonomi global akibat pandemi COVID-19 kemungkinan akan membalikkan tren investasi di sisa tahun ini.

Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal (BKPM) mengumumkan data realisasi investasi triwulan I (Januari-Maret) tahun 2020 mencapai Rp 210,7 triliun atau naik 8,0% dibandingkan periode yang sama tahun 2019. Realisasi investasi triwulan I memberikan kontribusi sebesar 23,8% terhadap realisasi investasi. Tahun 2020 menargetkan realisasi investasi sebesar Rp 886,1 triliun. Realisasi PMDN mencapai Rp 112,7 triliun dan realisasi PMA mencapai Rp 98,0 triliun.

Ada beberapa negara yang berkontribusi terhadap FDI Indonesia pada triwulan I-2020, sebagian besar merupakan negara tetangga di Asia. Berikut adalah lima besar negara dengan investasi asing terbesar di Indonesia.

1. Singapura

Di tengah wabah COVID-19, Singapura masih konsisten menduduki peringkat sebagai negara utama asal FDI. Pada kuartal I 2020 dengan US$ 6,5 2,7 miliar atau setara dengan 23,1% 40% dari total realisasi FDI di Indonesia, Singapura sangat optimis dengan prospek bisnis di Indonesia. Namun, Singapura menempati posisi ketiga selama kuartal keempat 2019, menginvestasikan US$ 1,1 miliar dalam usaha bisnis.

2. Cina

China telah menjadi pemain kuat dalam FDI Indonesia. Melampaui Singapura, China naik ke peringkat pertama sebagai negara teratas dengan investasi asing terbesar di Indonesia selama kuartal keempat 2019 dengan US$ 1,4 miliar. Pada kuartal I 2020, China menempati posisi kedua dengan total investasi asing US$ 1,3 miliar. Terutama, investasi China di bidang transportasi, industri, dan pariwisata Indonesia.

3. Hongkong

Hong Kong bersama China mendongkrak total investasi asing pada kuartal terakhir 2019 sebesar US$ 1,1 miliar, yang secara efektif menempatkan Hong Kong ke dalam daftar negara-negara terkemuka FDI di Indonesia. Apalagi Hong Kong telah menginvestasikan US$ 2,9 miliar sepanjang 2019 sebesar US$ 0,6 miliar sepanjang kuartal I 2020, atau sebesar 10,2% 9,3% dari total realisasi FDI.

4. Jepang

Penanaman modal asing terbesar lainnya datang dari Jepang. Ikatan yang kuat antara Indonesia dan Jepang telah mengakibatkan Jepang secara konsisten menempati peringkat lima besar investor asing. Pada kuartal I 2020, Jepang telah menginvestasikan US$ 0,6 miliar. Beberapa sektor yang diinvestasikan Jepang adalah listrik, real estate, gas, dan industri.

5. Malaysia

Pada kuartal I 2020, investasi asing yang diperoleh Indonesia dari Malaysia mencapai US$ 0,5 miliar. Hal ini menempatkan Malaysia di antara pesaing FDI terbesar di Indonesia, menghapus Belanda dari daftar di mana investasi mencapai US$ 0,5 miliar pada kuartal keempat 2019

Sektor dengan investasi terbesar

Sektor Transportasi, Pergudangan, dan Telekomunikasi mendominasi realisasi investasi sebesar 23,4% dari total realisasi sepanjang triwulan I-2020. Berikut 5 sektor unggulan yang menjadi unggulannya:

  • Transportasi, Gudang, dan Telekomunikasi (Rp49,3 triliun)
  • Industri Logam Dasar, Barang Berbahan Logam, Non Mesin dan Peralatan (Rp24,5 triliun)
  • Listrik, Gas, dan Air Bersih (Rp18,0 triliun)
  • Perumahan, Kawasan Industri, dan Perkantoran (Rp17,8 triliun)
  • Tanaman Pangan, Perkebunan, dan Peternakan (Rp17,2 triliun)

Sedangkan untuk sebaran penanaman modal asing, kabupaten dan daerah di luar Jawa terus menunjukkan tren peningkatan. Termasuk DKI Jakarta, Jawa Barat, Maluku Utara, Kepulauan Riau, dan Sulawesi Tenggara.

Baca juga : Bermacam Tipe Tanam Modal (Investasi) Online di Indonesia serta Tipsnya

Realisasi pada triwulan I-2020 cukup menantang karena wabah COVID-19, FDI di Indonesia turun 9,2% dibandingkan periode 2019. Pemerintah berharap perusahaan asing dan domestik dapat bertahan dalam operasinya dengan tetap menjalankan aturan dan regulasi. BKPM sebagai institusi pemerintah tetap berkomitmen untuk mengawal proyek investasi mulai dari perizinan hingga penyelesaian masalah di lapangan dan bersama Kementerian/Lembaga lainnya terus terus memfasilitasi kendala yang dihadapi perusahaan, terutama di tengah pandemi COVID-19. BKPM optimis wabah ini akan segera berakhir dan perekonomian akan pulih kembali.

The Types of Investment in Foreign Direct Investment

Foreign Direct Investment is widely practiced in several countries and some investors are getting curious about this kind of direct investment. If you are interested in having Foreign Direct Investment for yourself, you should know what is meant by FDI itself and the types of this investment. Here are the Foreign Direct Investment’s types that you should know.

– Type 1: Horizontal Foreign Direct Investment

The first type of Foreign Direct Investment is horizontal FDI. This type considers as the most used type of direct investment by investors who do the Foreign Direct Investment. The investor will invest in the company with the same interest in product or service which is owned by the investor. This investment attracts many investor attention.

While is meant to deliver you profit of winning from the investment, this particular investment aims to make the online gambling company stronger in the market. This can be used as a good strategy to make the competition less competitive in the global market. Usually, the investor within the type of horizontal FDI has the same or similar industry with the company where he/she invest to, for example, a online sbobet company in Indonesia invests in a company in India.

– Type 2: Vertical Foreign Direct Investment

This investment aims to make more rates to the chain. In this direct investment, the investor merges with another business in another country with the purpose to give more growth to the business. As the example would be a company invests in another company abroad so that they can have a supplier for the basic materials of their products.

The vertical foreign direct investment is classified into more types. They are forward vertical and backward vertical foreign direct investment. The forward vertical Foreign Direct Investments can be defined as the investment which can bring the product to the customers, for example, is the electronic manufacturing in Indonesia invests in the electronic wholesale company in India.

On the other hand, backward vertical foreign direct investment can be defined as the type of investment where the investor invests in the company in a foreign country which takes the sourcing sector of the current product owned by the investor’s company. In this backward vertical foreign direct investment, we can take the example for the motorcycle manufacturing in Indonesia invests to the tire company in India.

In general, there are two types of Foreign Direct Investment or FDI. They are a horizontal direct investment and vertical direct investment. For further, the vertical foreign direct investment is classified into two types, they are forward vertical and backward vertical foreign direct investment.

About IPAnet

MIGA has consolidated its three online services (IPAnet, PrivatizationLink, and FDI Xchange) into a single online portal – the Foreign Direct Investment Network ( IPAnet users benefit from an even larger database of investment opportunities, information on mitigating noncommercial risks and new personalization features through “My”. IPAnet users will experience no interruption of service and user names, passwords and preferences all remain the same. Users continue to receive customized investment opportunities via email as well. Find out more about the new site.

Established in 1995 as part of the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA’s) mandate to enhance Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in developing regions, the Investment Promotion Network (IPAnet) is the leading international investment-specific portal Web site providing free access to online foreign investment and privatization resources.

IPAnet provides an extensive searchable database of over 12,000 Web-based documents which include research on economies and product markets, investment-related laws and treaties, as well as specific investment opportunities. This database of documents, catalogued by country, sector and topic, are obtained primarily from the World Bank Group, investment promotion agencies and privatization agencies. The IPAnet business directories comprise contact information for over 30,000 organizations and individuals involved in foreign investment. The online service also provides links to a large number of other investment highlights and particulars, including links to its subsidiary websites – PrivatizationLink and PrivatizationLink-Russia.

has approximately 19,000 registered users and receives approximately 50,000 visitors per month.

MIGA actively engages with other organizations, including investment promotion and privatization agencies, leading private sector and government-based information providers to source new data and perspectives on FDI in emerging regions.

MIGA has consolidated its three online services (IPAnet, PrivatizationLink, and FDI Xchange) into a single online portal – the Foreign Direct Investment Network ( IPAnet users benefit from an even larger database of investment opportunities, information on mitigating noncommercial risks and new personalization features through “My”. IPAnet users will experience no interruption of service and user names, passwords and preferences all remain the same. Users continue to receive customized investment opportunities via email as well. Find out more about the new site.

IPAnet’s information resources include thousands of documents which have been reviewed and cataloged by IPAnet’s content administrators. These information resources are drawn from the World Bank Group, IMF, investment promotion organizations, government agencies and over 500 other leading business information providers and public organizations throughout the world.

These organizations have contributed financial or technical resources to assist MIGA in the development of the investor online services since 1996.

IPAnet’s partners augment our extensive free resources with their own specialized information services. These include:

BusinessMap – providing investment analysis and advice on Southern Africa, in the areas of Globalization and Investment, Development Finance, Black Economic Empowerment, and Politics and Policy.

Industry Watch – supplying free access to industry sector-based news and company information.

Government of Japan, Ministry of Finance

The Japanese Ministry of Finance became a founding sponsor in 1995. Among other functions, the Ministry of Finance addresses matters concerning economic cooperation and development and multilateral institutions. The Ministry also provides a wide range of information on the legal framework pertaining to foreign direct investment and the business environment in Japan through Invest Japan.

Central European Initiative Central European Initiative

The Central European Initiative (CEI) was established in 1989 as an intergovernmental forum for political, economic and cultural co-operation among its Member States. Its main aim was to help transition countries in Central Europe come closer to the EU. In the second half of 1990s, the extension of its membership to South-eastern and Eastern Europe refocused its priorities on countries in special need. As of January 2007, the CEI had 9 EU and 9 non-EU member countries.


COFIDES, the Spanish Development Finance Company, is a private-public partnership corporation operating since 1990 to provide cost-effective financial support for private productive projects in developing, emerging or transition countries with Spanish investors. COFIDES operates by investing its own resources and/or by channeling off third party funding specifically suited to each individual project, mainly through Spanish government trust funds and co-financing facilities established with Multilateral Finance Institutions such as the European Investment Bank, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the Inter-American Development Bank.

Austria Wirtschaftsservice
The Austria Wirtschaftsservice (AWS) is a state-owned financing and consultancy company that mainly provides guarantees for international and domestic investment projects. AWS has been a main sponsor of MIGA’s online services cooperating with MIGA in a number of projects, such as the expansion of the former PrivatizationLink service into Central Europe and the Middle East and the development of the FDI Xchange e-mail alert service.

Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)

CIDA is the lead player in delivering Canada’s official development assistance program, supporting sustainable development in order to reduce poverty and to contribute to a more secure, equitable, and prosperous world. Working with partners in the private and public sectors in Canada and in developing countries and with international organizations and agencies, CIDA supports foreign aid projects in more than 100 of the poorest countries in the world. CIDA was a main partner in developing the former PrivatizationLink Russia, an English- and Russian-language Web site for investors interested in bidding for assets being privatized or pursuing new investment projects in the Russian Federation.

Invest KOREA
Established in 1998 in the wake of the financial crisis, the Korea Investment Service Center (KISC) was part of a radical liberalization of the Korean investment regime. In September 2003 the Government finalized a comprehensive plan to attract foreign investment with the twin aims of increasing foreign investment and reforming the overall FDI support system. These changes were embodied in the transformation and expansion of KISC and its re-launch as Invest KOREA.
Spanish Ministry of Economy and Finance Spanish Ministry of Economy and Finance

The Spanish Ministry of Economy and Finance joined MIGA’s online services as a Lifetime Sponsor in 1996. MIGA’s online partnership with the Ministry’s Directorate of Commercial and Foreign Investment dates back to 1995 when the Ministry joined MIGA in organizing a Global IPA Network Conference and Workshop in Madrid, Spain. At this event, the prototype of the former Investment Promotion Network portal was presented to Investment Promotion Agency (IPA) representatives from more than 40 countries.
United Nations Industrial Development Organization United Nations Industrial Development Organization

UNIDO is a specialized agency of the United Nations dedicated to promoting sustainable industrial development within developing and transition economies. UNIDO’s many investment development activities include assisting governments to enhance their investment promotion capabilities as well as developing and disseminating detailed profiles of promising investment projects. These project profiles and other relevant information are catalogued in as part of MIGA’s ongoing collaboration with UNIDO’s Investment and Technology Promotion Branch.